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Solar Contracting
Solar Power completely hassle free

100% solar power with 0% risk, maintenance or administration costs

Due to the steeply increasing electricity and energy prices, for many building owners/managers and companies the question arises whether it is worth investing in your own solar power system? However, at the same time you are worrying that the path to your own PV system is associated with a high investment, bureaucracy and the resulting risks?


819energie offers you the solution.


We plan, engineer, finance, build and operate the complete PV system on your property. You simply buy the solar power from us at a contractually agreed price for a fixed period of time and we take on the risk, take care of the maintenance including the related cost. We know the bureaucracy and its pitfalls and will navigate through it cleanly and efficiently.

We call this solar contracting - for you this means: minimal effort for clean solar power.

With 819energie you have a single, reliable partner for your solar power without investment and risk.

Your benefits

  • Complete solution: solar power plant designed for your building and optimized for your own consumption

  • Solar power from your roof is more economical and ecological  than the grid power

  • Use your solar power for your marketing purposes

  • Increase the value of your real estate

  • Without your own investment

  • Without operating risks and expenses

  • Possibility for buy-out of entire solar system at a later stage

Solarkraftwerk Flachdach

Our offer for you

Benefit from our many years of experience in the solar industry. We are happy to adapt our offers to your needs.



819energie ag offers you comprehensive contracting for the PV system on your roof. We finance, engineer, plan, build and operate the entire system. We also assume the risks of operation. 

Your company / building benefits from low-cost solar power without having to worry about its production. 819energie will also be happy to assist you with marketing the use of solar power.

819energie ag takes care of your PV system. Whether the system has been running for some time or was newly installed, we offer you professional operation of the system and make sure that the predicted solar power also reaches your company. We would also be happy to advise you on how to optimize the consumption and get even more out of your solar power.

Plant construction

Would you rather build and finance your solar system yourself, but need a reliable installer/planner? Since we build primarily for ourselves, we know what is important and that quality is paramount and so we are your EPC partner. We will build your PV system for you and hand over your turnkey system of choice.

This offer is tailored to companies with high levels of self-consumption.

PV systems are basically low-maintenance, but here, too, professional operation and compliance with the applicable standards must be guaranteed at all times. In order to guarantee smooth operation for over 25 years, a PV system must also be monitored and professionally operated from the time it is commissioned.


Together with maintenance from 819energie ag, you can benefit from low cost solar power for the long term.

Solaranlage Schrägdach
About us

About 819energy

The sun light takes an average of 8 minutes and 19 seconds to travel from sun to earth. This light makes life on earth possible.

The company 819energie was founded at the end of 2019 by three partners, all of whom have been at home in photovoltaics for over ten years. With our experience, we cover all areas of planning, electrical and mechanical design, operation and maintenance of such systems.

After the tragic departure of one founder, two co-owners joined the team and have been adding their knowledge since November 2021. 

Solar energy is our passion and the whole team brings combined more than 40 years experience to the solar projects. You can be sure that we know what we are talking about. 


The Team

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Suzanne Bozzola

Board President, CFO

Our number manager.

After more than 7 years of experience in administration, accounting and HR at one of the leading solar engineering firms in Switzerland, she knows everything that concerns the operation of solar systems. As a real estate manager with one of the largest real estate companies, she understands the worries a of property owners and can therefore optimally tailor our solutions to their needs.

Brit Assmus

Brit Assmus


Our contract manager

As civil engineer she initially worked internationally for 12 years as a structural engineer and project manager, before switching to the solar industry for almost 10 more years. Because life never stands still, she graduated in business law and got into international contract management 5 years ago. From structural design of roofs and mounting systems over solar planning to contract law, she combines everything in one person.

Matthias Roos

Matthias Roos


Our technician.

He has been building, planning and maintaining PV systems for 13 years. With his extensive knowledge in the construction of solar systems and his NIV14 installation permit, he solves all of our technical problems pragmatically. Thanks to his company CIPV he knows what the best products are for every application and guarantees our high quality standards. Thanks to his CAS in energy management, our customers can benefit from his broad knowledge of energy issues.

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Jan Thalmann


Our versatile.

As  electrical engineer / project manager / department manager, he worked for 8 years over the complete life cycle of solar power plants with up to 5 MWp output at an specialized engineering firm for solar power plants in Switzerland. He has been working in the trade for industrial products for 4 years and is therefore very familiar with sales and marketing. However, his interest in energy issues is still a major topic.

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